
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2012

PBW12 ITATS - Tugas 4

Berikut informasi dan ketentuan tugas 4 mata kuliah Pemrograman Berbasis Web. Implementasi/ porting tugas 2 atau 3 menggunakan framework CI (CodeIgniter). Tugas dikumpulkan maksimum Kamis, 14 Juni 2012 pukul 22.00 WIB. Dikirim via e-mail + upload ke server web online (tidak diharuskan menggunakan TLD [Top Level Domain], subdomain juga tidak masalah). Pengumpulan berupa source file beserta URL web online. Harap diperhatikan masalah broken-link dan broken-image , semua link yang tercantum harus bisa dijalankan dan semua gambar juga harus muncul (silakan dicek sebelum dikumpulkan) .

NCSA - A Little Review

A person who considered to be professional, usually, will have its skill/knowledge certified. So, one of so many things that should be thought is finding the good or maybe highly recommended certification company. NCSA, National Computer Science Academy, is one of leading company that provide an online computer training and certification, from basic level subject/software like operating system or the office-related applications to the higher level subject like programming, database, and so on. The also good thing is, NCSA provides us with its many exams which are free-of-charge beside of its paid services. So, if you would like to get certified, don't be afraid, just try the NCSA free exam first, and if you pass the exam, you have a choice to claim your certificate by giving some of your money to be bartered with :) And when this post was published, NCSA gives a special offer for users in Indonesia. For a limited time, NCSA offering free online only certifications (hard c...